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Digital Art Omakase Dining with Six Senses concept includes Vision, Taste, Smell, Sound, Touch and Emotion in the Stories of “Tales From The Japanese Heritage” Which will be presented the historical Japanese Art Pieces in different Eras, with the intention to escalate your experiences during your special meal with Aesthetic Digital Art Pieces at Mokuzou Juutaku. 

Nevertheless, Digital Art Design Concept will be changed annually

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Edo Art Piece 

Edo Art Piece known as Authentic Aesthetic Art Piece in the period (1615 -1868) when the country was under the rule of the Tokugawa Shogunate, was largely without war. During of the Edo period, majority of Art pieces were tended to tell stories in the term of unnatural creatures Such as Animals (Crane, Fish, Dragon) Evils, Gods as well as all Scenery which happened during the Edo period.

Pixel Art

Aesthetic Pixel Art Piece, Majority of people nowadays perceive Pixel Art through Prior Model of The Game Console from Nintendo company. Therefore, we are using this concept in the aim of bringing Childhood memories back to present where everyone might familiar with this Aesthetic Art Piece if you were a Game lover

Neon Art

Aesthetic Illumination Art piece or designated as Neon Art in the present, this type of Aesthetic Art Piece is commonly utilized in the Architecture of Japan along with restaurants, community malls as well as all the Signs mostly run by Neon Art. Consequently, In the present, Neon art is famous for Contemporary Art Piece in Japan.

Collage Art

The term of Collage Art is an assemble of Art Piece into one Art Piece, Collage Art ordinary use to integrate to others type of Aesthetic art pieces such as Sketch or Painting by focusing on Element of Modern Art.

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